Thai Yoga Massage
A massage from head to toe, back to front and side to side. You will not leave feeling that any part has been left out.
The Thai culture developed this form of massage to work the ten sen, the energy lines that run through your body. If they are blocked, the energy may not flow correctly and illnesses, aches, tiredness, insomnia, disease and other malfunctions may appear. The massage will therefore aim to work these lines and release any blockage you may have.
Inspired by the Indian culture, Thai massage has acquired the yoga influence and throughout a treatment it may appear that someone is doing yoga to you. This can help with flexibility and the release of knots. The pressure is generally quite strong, but will be adapted to each individual, and one will feel like their whole body has been worked on, relaxed and stretched.

Oil Massage
This oil massage is a strong and powerful massage that appeals as much to the active person as to the more sedentary one. Alternating effleurage, kneading, friction, pressure and slight stretching, the focus is on a deep work on each muscular zone. Its calming and stimulating effect is adapted to all types of people.
You will leave light as a feather and filled with a feeling of serenity and quietude.